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The trusted suppliers we rely on and work with for many years because we only want the best technology and quality for our clients.



Innovative by Tradition

With the joint strength of Sonova’s and HANSATON’s history, we have over 100 years of experience. We build on our rich German heritage of quality, design, and engineering and our Swiss precision and innovation.




Oticon is the flagship brand of Demant A/S of Denmark, the world's second largest hearing aid manufacturer. Founded in 1904 by Hans Demant, whose wife had hearing loss, Oticon has a long history of producing innovative hearing aid technology.





Signia/Siemens Hearing Aids is a premium hearing aid brand and now part of WS Audiology. Their long history of entrepreneurship, scientific curiosity, and desire to help others. This company employs people with great ideas, failures, and success's in helping millions of people worldwide with hearing loss.

Just click here to claim a hearing test with consultation and try state-of-the-art hearing aids in your daily life.

To claim your free HOME TRIAL

You can try before you buy
Thanks to our S$0 home trial we will make sure the hearing aids suit your daily life.

See us for a profe
ssional consultation.

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More about hearing loss, Tinnitus...

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Good reasons for Crystal Hearing

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Our service promises

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